What is the Secret to happiness?
This question has been asked for hundreds of years. So what is the secret to happiness or is there one?
While scrolling through Tiktok I saw this young man ask a 93 year old lady this very question. I absolutely loved her answer, which was, ‘to be involved with something that really interests you and peruse it, and to reach out to other people, but also to be happy with your own company.
So do these 27 words unlock the secret to happiness? I think it is a little more complicated than that but these wise words are definitely part of this puzzle that we are all trying to complete.
We are all in the pursuit of happiness and this can look different for everyone. For me I am my happiest when I’m with my family eating dinner around the kitchen table and sharing stories of everyone’s day. This gives me a sense of contentment, having my family close.
The wise words given by the 93 year old lady also really resonated with me. It’s so important to have a purpose in life that you are passionate about. This alone can boost your self esteem, confidence and outlook on life. Pairing this with reaching out to help others ties in a solid balance into ones life. When your emotional tank is full it is so easy to support others that need a little more fuel. Although, these actions will only bring happiness into your life if YOU are happy with yourself, without this crucial component you just won’t reach the level of happiness you are searching for, it will be just out of reach.
So is there a secret to happiness? l don’t think so, if there was, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore because there are so many happy people in our world it’s just sometimes hard to see them amongst the unhappy ones. I know they are out there, you just have to be happy yourself and you’ll find them easily 😊
Christine Bunn
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