No matter what relationship you have with your family, there is an unbreakable connection whether you like it or not. We are all created in one image; God, and He formed us in our mother’s womb. Without this connection we wouldn’t exist. We take our existence for granted and sometimes wish we were born into another family. I can feel a lot of you nodding your head.

Nobody’s perfect, nobody. Our biological mothers and fathers are the same as us, imperfect. There are tragic, horrific stories of sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, mistreatment, manipulation in many families, and this is definitely not acceptable or ok in any world.

From conception we literally have an unbreakable bond with our mothers. Without it we would die. When we are born the umbilical cord gets cut to break that lifeline, but this unbreakable connection to our mother remains no matter what.

Have you tried to shut your family out of your life, turn our back on them or pretend they don’t exist? Persisting to sever this unbreakable connection torments and poisons ones soul, no matter how hard you try to break that connection.

In Matthew 18:22, Jesus says to forgive, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy seven times.”

God also says in Ephesians 6:1-2
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour your father and mother.”

As I always say to my children, whatever resides in your heart will rear its head in your actions no matter how hard you try to hide it. To forgive someone allows you to be set free. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you need to walk beside the person you are forgiving or even saying that what they did is ok. No, it allows you to let go of that pain and move on. Forgiveness is about you.

Knowing that we all have an unbreakable connection with our mothers and fathers, ask yourself, do you need to forgive them, have you turned your back on them? If you have answered, ‘yes,’ ask God to help you forgive them, and He will. Only then can you be set free of all the anger and bitterness you carry around with you. Once you have done this the scales will fall from your eyes and you will see that unbreakable connection in a new light.

Christine Bunn

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