Stay In Your Lane

This saying, ‘ Stay in your lane,’ really resonates with me. It is so easy to veer to the left or the right. Sometimes life can force the wheel where we shouldn’t go.

It takes daily refocus, prayer and good council to stay in your lane. It is so important not to get distracted from your purpose.

Boundaries are the key to keeping your wheels in your lane. Without boundaries the lines get blurred, expectations are blown out the window and you become burnt out.

Achieving this balance in life takes a lot of practice, patience, coupled with discipline. You must know what your goal is and be peaceful about it.

Remember nothing is worth your peace. Peace is one entity in life you can control through boundaries and learning to keep in your lane.

Before you think about veering left or right, ask yourself; ‘Why?’ What are you trying to achieve? Is this any of your business?
If the answer isn’t positive or a straight out NO, then stop what you are doing and straighten that wheel and veer back into your lane. Trust me it will steer you in the right direction.

Christine Bunn

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