Never let a idea, story or word unwritten
How many times have you had a fantastic idea when you are just about asleep? I know I have had countless ones. Sometimes I am that excited I get my trusty note pad out and write it down, then promptly go back to sleep. Other times I say to myself I’ll remember that in the morning, and go back to sleep. Low and behold, morning comes and I can’t remember a thing!! A best seller gone just like that ! You think I would learn, but no I still resist the instinct to make the effort to write it down. I’m not sure what you would call that, but there are few things that come to mind.
Some things you just have to do, and this is one of them. Never let an idea, story or word left unwritten. Wake up, write it down. You never know what it will turn into, but most importantly you have been faithful to your creativity .
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