
Mother. What does it mean to be a mother? Is it DNA? Is it unconditional love? Is it nurture? The definition of mother is: ‘A Mother is a female parent: Mothers nurture and mother children. It's also a term for an elderly woman or Mother superior. Your Mother is the woman who gave birth to you: Mothers are parents, the female equivalent of a father.’ You can read so much into this definition of Mother. I believe it is a blessing to be a woman. God had blessed women with a pure, innate longing to nurture, support, love and care for others, to put others first before themselves. Mothers sacrifice their own needs for the ones they love.
Adam and Eve were God’s first creation. A rib was taken from Adam to create Eve. Eve was a part of Adam as she was created to support and nurture all creation.
No matter what type of Mother you are, you were created to support, nurture and love. Sometimes it feels like your role is unseen. Trust me, I totally understand, but always remember someone is watching and cheering you on. You are precious, you are important, you are needed, YOU are Mother 💖

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