We have all heard this saying, but do we put it into action? I know from experience, when someone has hurt me with their words, behaviour or hands, love is the furthest thought from my mind. Thoughts that come freely are revenge, karma, run, and violence, to mention a few.

We experience the fight or flight response, as this is the way our body tries to protect us. What if we had a love or forgive response instead, how different would our lives be? Even though fight or flight is a natural response when we feel threatened, hurt or in danger, we can discipline ourselves to respond with love and forgiveness.

We have the best role model for this, Jesus, who died for our sins. He gave the ultimate price to demonstrate love and forgiveness, He gave His life for us.

So, when someone says something hurtful, is mean or physically threatens you, of course get out of harm’s way, but don’t respond with anger, words or threats. Respond with love and forgiveness and see for yourself that love does conquer all.
Christine Bunn

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