I was recently asked lots of questions by year 6 students about writing that I couldn’t answer. It is assumed that when you become an author, you know everything about writing, literature, books, and of course, you must be a great speller and avid reader. Well, for me, I’m none of the above. I'm not sure if I’m letting too many secrets out, but it’s true. I’m not the best at any of these, and I know for sure I’m the worst proofreader there probably is 😂
It’s okay to say, "I don't know." You don't have to pretend to know it all. Like I’ve said before and as I said to the year 6 students, “You don't need a degree in writing; you just need an idea.” The students were also relieved to know that it took me 15 minutes to write Lollypop Stew and not years. My tip to the students and to you is to have a journal or a piece of paper and a pen beside your bed, as ideas always pop into your mind as you are dozing off to sleep. Don’t let not knowing enough stop you from writing. Just write.
- Christine Bunn
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