The word forgiveness scares a lot of people. It questions what we hold deep in our hearts. It brings up so many emotions, feeling and questions. The first question that comes to mind is, ‘ If I forgive them does that mean that what they did is ok? Do I have to still be in their life.?’
Forgiveness doesn’t mean you are saying what they did is ok or that you have to still be in their life. Forgiveness is actually about YOU. It is allowing yourself to be set free from that hurt. It is giving yourself permission to let go of the hurt that was inflicted on you. Releasing the pain so it no longer resists you. Forgiveness is not about the other person, as in some cases they probably don’t even think they have done anything wrong.
Let your heart heal, give yourself the gift of allowing to forgive. A weight will be lifted from your soul and only then will it allow room for you to love and receive love.
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