In our world of social media we have created a new breed of humans that hide behind screens, I call them, ‘Screen Mutants.’ They don’t believe in rules, manners, kindness or compassion. Their purpose in life is to create as much hatred as possible.

With suicide rates at an all time high, cost of living reaching levels never seen before and mental health being at a critical point, the last thing anyone needs is to add cyber bullying to the list.

Delete, block, unfollow, report, is the only answer. I am constantly getting told to get off social media. Unfortunately social media is a huge part of life, and it’s here to stay. Social media can be a positive space, a space that can fill a void, an informative space, and a great space for businesses. Unfortunately it can also be an unsafe space, emotionally soul destroying space and even a space that leads to suicide.

I have personally experienced this emotionally destroying space on many levels. Being on multiple social media platforms, this was bound to happen.

So how do I deal with this? Initially not very well, I retaliated, got angry and wanted revenge! Was I morphing into a Screen Mutant? I had to stop, breathe, assess, then breathe again. I made a conscious choice to stop reacting to these Screen Mutants, as this is exactly want they want me to do. It fuels their hate and fills their tank with ammunition.

Instead of retaliating, I delete, block, unfollow, and report. I keep quiet on all fronts, never responding to this race, no communication. The silence is bliss and I know silence is the Screen Mutants kryptonite.

There is so much peace in this process. Peace is the one emotion I can control. With the click of these 4 buttons, peace is restored and dealing with this new race of mutated humans is over….. well until the next time when they try to steal my peace, I reach for these 4 words again, delete, block, unfollow, report.

Christine Bunn

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