Cultivating, a Spirit of Thankfulness
What does being thankful mean? The dictionary says, thankful means : ‘being aware, and appreciative of a benefit; grateful.’
I decided to break this definition down. The first word that stood out to me, was being aware. This means, recognising what we have, and not what we don't have in our lives. Then I came to ‘appreciative of a benefit,’ this to me means realising that what we do have is good. Last but not least let’s look at the word, ‘grateful.’ Grateful means feeling and showing in words and actions that what we have is a blessing.
God says to give thanks in all circumstances. This is a concept that I struggle with, but I have learnt over time that this is when God works best in my life.
Donald Curtis was a famous speaker and writer, he quoted, ‘It is impossible to be negative while we are giving.’
When the light shines through our struggles the darkness disappears. God wants us to give Him all our worries, doubts and anxieties. He doesn't want us to hang onto any of them.
When we surrender our lives to Him the darkness and negativity leaves us, and we start to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness.
Thankfulness honours God and strengthens our faith. It also strengthens our relationships with other people. We can't be in the right relationship with God or anyone else without a spirit of thankfulness.
We have a Heavenly Father that understands our every need. He always comforts the brokenhearted He promises to never leave, or for sake us. His love is extravagant towards us, his love, never fails.
No matter what we maybe going through. God will turn our morning into joyful. Dancing. (Psalms 30:5)
How great is it to have such a great God, I Glad with endless love for you and me. For this I am extremely thankful.
Christine Bunn
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