Are you a writer or not?

This is a question I ask myself often. Creative people doubt their abilities, question their gift and even to the extreme don’t tell anyone about their midnight written stories.

Becoming confident with your gift isn’t easy. When I started writing, let’s be real, it was when I started school as we were all were forced to write whether we had a gift or not. The first time I thought that maybe I could write was when I was in year 9 when we had to write a creative essay. I still remember the title, ‘From the inside looking out,’ I received my first A+. This encouraged me to explore my gift, maybe I could write?

Years of writing, keeping a diary, many, many scribbles, stories, an even a self published autobiography, I still wasn’t sure if I was a writer let alone a good one. My family and friends always told me they loved my work but did they really or did they feel forced to encourage me? A couple of knock backs from publishing companies kept me in my state of doubt.

So what about now that I am a published author and I have had my 2nd manuscript accepted? I should be prancing around with an author badge pinned on my chest, Nope, I still find it hard to believe that I am now a writer.

I wonder what it will take to be confident in my writers skin?

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