Are you a people pleaser?

What makes you a people pleaser? Is it being kind, generous, thoughtful, giving up of your time? All of these traits are true but ultimately being a people pleaser will cost you your peace.

The reality is you will never please everyone no matter how hard you try! So what does people pleasing cost you? This is the question you need to ask yourself. The only elements in your life you can control are your reactions, decisions, attitudes, choices and peace. If you are a people pleaser ultimately your ability to control your peace will be jeopardised.

How much is your peace worth to you? Give what you are capable of giving but not if it affects your peace. Everyone will want more of you; find your boundaries, stick to them and your peace will remain with you. I know it’s hard, but it’s worth the effort and you are worth it. Peace at a cost is not peace.

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